Please don't. They allow it, but this really isn't place.
I love children but honestly its hard for toddlers to sit still for that long. It's not their fault. So I highly recommend our guests with little ones to be mindful of other guests dining in . sometimes they are conducting business on those dinner nights and it's not fair to them. Also for toddlers who can't sit still in their seats then there is a danger of being in the way of servers carrying hot food trays. So for you to enjoy a night out and let us pamper you on your date night, Please have some one at home take care of the precious little ones. Thanks for being understanding.
Its family friendly
It dpends on the toddler, if they are well behaved and don't have outburst, then it would be fine. If they don't yet have that discipline, please don't it's a nice place.
We always do..
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