6.5” x 4.5” small clutch purses, infant and medical bags
If you want to bring a clear bag that is small, that is easy to carry with you for simple things. But nothing too big, that won't get you through security.
Honestly, I suggest not bringing one. I ended up having to walk back to my car. My friends clutch was barely an inch bigger than the 4x6 card they have to compare size and still wouldnt let her in with it. They have lockers now but not nearly enough for a whole stadium. It was $10 when I went last week. If they run out of lockers (which they did when I went), they said that I can leave my purse in the open on a table for them to watch amongst other bags. I declined. If you have a small wristlet/clutch or maybe a small wallet or card holder but needs to be 4x6 or smaller.
More like a wallet size. I showed them my asthma inhaler & meds for diabetes, granted I had a small purse to begin with, they then put a wristband on my 👜 & we were allowed in
Nothing bigger than four inches by six inches. Kind of ridiculous but whatevs. I had to walk my purse back to the hotel or pay for a locker.
A small clutch purse.
Not big
The Petco Park website says single compartment bags 7"x10" or smaller
How big of a purse can you take in
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