Unity does not do detox, RavenWolf is incorrect. Also, all the units have the same visiting hours: 9 am to 9 pm. The exception is the PES. Visiting is possible but must be pre arranged and cannot always be available because of staffing and space issues. Always try to call before visiting because someone may be having a bad day and not want company.
Every unit at unity has diffrent hrs. Secondly there r no visits for anyone on the pez unit. As the pez unit is considered emergency staging until properly situated whether relocated to another unit, facility, or home were or what ever that might look like. Anyone needing detoxing is going to have to be seen at an ER first since Hooper Detox is closing
No visiting in the ER area "PES". Inpatient visiting 9am to 9pm
Inpatient units are 9am to 9pm visiting hours, limit 2 visitors at a time during Flu season, and if they are children, must be 12 y/o and immediate family.
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