Always go in with a plan. Know a good guess where your credit is. Shoot bring in documents that show a reflection of your score. Look at cars online. They usually reflect a better price online, so when you come in, you will know right away if theor sticker price is totally upcharge. Know what you want to pay for a car, do a kittle math and see what you can afford. Go get pre-qualified with a financial institution so you can bypass some of the extra BS. And most importantly when you find the car you love, Kelly Blue Book it and carfax that baby because you don't who owned it before you (if buying used). Plus it will give you information such as value of vehicle to negotiate price.
At Peoria Nissan we want to make the buying process simple, convenient and fast! We've created this handy guide:
Just got my car, an liked my service, so I'll update about the car
If you don't want to have hard stress for a couple of months, or maybe a year make sure you have enough money to buy the car for the full price. Otherwise you'll be faced with the stress of paying off the full price for the car. So basically be prepared
Negotiate each aspect of the deal separately. First get the value for your trade in. That way, no matter what vehicle you choose to buy they can't play games with the price of your trade. After you have done that, negotiate the out-the-door price of the vehicle, tax, title, freight and prep and dealer fees included. Finally, negotiate service contracts and the interest rate. Only by negotiating in this manner do you know what you are really paying.
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Know what your credit score is and play hard to get. Don't worry about the price as much as the interest rate because that is what will set your monthly payments. Try to get the service contract without paying for it.
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