There is no age limit. My son learned to ride a bike really early (2.5 years) so he was there before age 3. My dad is 60+ and he rides there twice a week. Just use common sense and don't try anything, or have your kids try anything, that they're not ready for. Yellow trails are easiest, blue trails are medium, and red trails are hardest.
No age limit...the main factor is riding skill. There is a practice area in the main parking lot to work on skills.....if it is too difficult there, don't try them on the trails. Those not interested in off-road riding can use the new paved trail. It stretches from Santos trailhead and goes to SR 200 and is 15.6 miles in length....lots of turns and some hills.....not like Withlacoochee trail.
Trails are well marked by difficulty, yellow being the easiest, blue having some sort of obstacles and dificulties and the reds (which include the black and double black diamonds) and the are the advanced and really technical. As long as you ride with in your limits or the people that are with you you are good to go with any age. Have fun be safe and ride smart use comon sense.
The city just finished a new paved trail, nice and flat if you don't want to use the dirt trails, it runs for about 18 miles going west from Santos Trailhead.
I can't be sure, but it is so wide open, it would be safe for any age that can safely ride a bike on flat trails. There are allot of East track all the way to drops and big jumps. I remember seeing pretty young kids there. Look it up, they have a webpage.
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