Only bags allowed are: Diaper bag, small purse or smaller than gallon Ziploc bag - all other bags have to be checked for $7 or $11 across the street from the stadium
No totes allowed...was there last night and had to store mine in mobile locker for $11.
Check the website. I think you can carry in a clear bag around 9×7
I think you can bring a ziploc bag and unopened bottle of water. Also, I had a small purse and that was allowed. Look on their website. It should be there.
I don’t believe so. You can bring in the clear plastic bags from the team store. If you check the website, they explain what (few) “bags” are allowed.
No bags
Check website
My Daughter Had a Medium-sized Back Pack Purse and It was Allowed, They Searched It Of Course But They Let Her Have It.
To the team store? I don't see why not...
But they do allow smaller bags, which need to be searched before entering. That will slow you down at the entrance gate. No bag, no x-ray or line to get in.
As long as it doesn't have drawstrings.
Yes you can. I just went to the Sox vs rays game and they let me bring in a 9x7 black bag by they had to search it first.
That's a big NOPE!
Nope. Safety reasons.
Nope you can't and they will look in your bags
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