Please please go see "Echo in the Canyon". If you are a fan of 60's music & Crosby Stills Nash or Jackson Browne or Momas & Papas...its a fantastic behind the scene look at that era & all the artusts from Tom Petty to Eric Clapti
No, unfortunately Brightburn left village 8 on Thursday June 27. as I did see the movie myself I do recommend it as a horror movie when it comes out on digital Blu-ray or DVD.
No, i don't think the seats here would be like in a big stadium. There is a slight rise as you walk out away from the screen but othrwise they are in rows that are right behind the other. They are not recliners but they are comfortable. Love this theatre so much!! It's very cozy! Everyone there is so nice! Check it out! 👍👍👍❤❤❤