No, you do not need to bring your own bags to either the Clearance Center (pound store) or Computer Works. Yes, the Clearance Center has the vast majority of their merchandise organized by item type into large rolling trough tables. Customers at the Clearance Center use rolling canvas bins in lieu of shopping carts inside the store. The Computer Works, while attached to the Clearance Center, is a completely separate entity that operates like a retail store, but only deals with electronics, and electronic related merchandise (i.e. DVDs, gaming console games, cords and wires, etc.). Computer Works also refurbishes and sells computer towers and laptops as fully loaded, ready to use systems or as "bare-bone" systems that either have a hard drive but not been loaded with an operating system, or do not have a hard drive or an OS. Aside from selling computers, they also have technicians on staff that can remove viruses, load software and OS's, and troubleshoot and repair customer's systems.
On rivers they have 3 stores one retail outlet one pay by pound one computer works
This part is the computer works, they are attached to the pound store.
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