They cannot legally stop and request to see your receipt or search your bags. Unlike Costco you have not signed anything giving up that right (remember the law about illegal search and seizure?) If they ask for the receipt or to examine what you have purchased politely tell them "No" and continue on your way. They can call the police but there's nothing the police can do unless there's proof you did something illegal.
They check me every time and I'm not brown
They are supposed to check as many as they can for any customers who have a full load
Looks like it's a new thing Walmart is doing. Been to a couple different Walmarts and it seems they checking roughly %80 walking out.
Went in today and they are now SCANNING. Partner had the receipt and was ahead. So she scanned, came to me as was waiting for kids (from water fountain) and she started scanning items. She was a rude too. We only had 3 items, nothing that can hide anything else in if that is the thought process behind it.
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