The number of bags you can return has been changed. It has changed from 2 bags per day to 15 bags every 90 days, there is no limit on how many bags are returned as long as it does not go over 15 bags in a 90 day period. This is equal to about 1/6th of a bag a day. This is considerably less than the previous limit of 2 bags per day. But for people like myself, the convenience of returning more than 3 bags at a time works well for my variable schedule without exceeding the total limit. The biggest downfall to this are the penalties imposed if you exceed the 15 bags in 90 day limit. According to the Bottle Drop website, any time you exceed the 15 bags in 90 days limit, your account will be deactivated to stop any more deposits from being made. And if this happens you will still have access to your account so you can withdraw any money you may have there. But if it happens too frequently, (or you drop more than 15 bags in one day), BottleDrop says they will close your account.
2 per day without an appointment. 10 with an appointment.
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