I was there for my nephews funeral service. What a great job they did...i was not in on the planning but they really did a great job in the background. Very clean, large areas for different situations...beautiful place...frindly people. Parking was adequate...all said was a n A++
gerald timmons
Jun 28, 2021
Thank you for what a great service you did for doing curls and Rudy we have been friends for over 40 years I was pleased to see everybody was so in tune to the service thank you for the great job you did take care of yourself and may all your prayers being answered
pat waters
Jul 18, 2020
St. Henry's has been so gracious to our 12 Step group allowing us to meet under the church's covered awning during COVID-19 closures. When we were meeting indoors, the rent for the meeting room was very reasonable.