We do not own an actual storage facility, but do have a warehouse that is designed for short term storage solutions. I do refer this storage facility in Euless however. The managers name is Steve. Let him know Luke refered you and I'm sure he will take the best care of you. Here is a link to his facility. If you have anymore questions I'm here to answer. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1JZAP_enUS823US823&ei=WGUAXJvsHMn4zgKq-Ir4Aw&q=life+storage+euless&oq=life+storage+&gs_l=psy-ab.1.5.0l10.4415.4415..6269...0.0..
Hello Don,unfortunately we do not have storage units available. We can however transport your items into a storage unit of your choice.
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