Of course if you could purchase a greeting card you could just use your credit card over the phone but the problem is how would they know person that you know one thing for another thing how would they know which card to pick out for you you'd have to have one of the employees go over and maybe read you all the cards off to you or something and I'm not sure if they'd be willing to do that because it would take up too much time but if you called at the right time of day when it's slow they might just do that for you
Hi - I don't represent Super Saver, other than being a regular shopper there. - I imagine you'd be able to get a Super Saver Gift Card, by calling the Store & Speaking with Customer Service. - Usually gift cards have to be purchased using cash. I'm not sure how that would work. - Give them a call, they are very helpful!
I live in Salt Lake now. I would give them a ring
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