Clear bags, although mine is a GIANTS bag with their logo on it
I've gotten in with small wristlets that were not clear. As long as it doesn't exceed a certain size, I've been good, but I understand not wanting to chance it...
I would be safe and bring just a clear bag. There are tons of inexpensive bags on Amazon that work for this. That is where I got mine. Your fanny pack will likely be too large. The allowed size bag is about the size of a wristlet.
No you cannot bring that bag only clear bags can be brought in. You will need to either leave it in your car or pay for bag storage at one of the booths outside the arena.
Clear bags only. No, you cannot bring a black fanny pack
Only clear bags... if they cant see into without opening it they will tell you to put it in your car.. the bag can be no bigger then a large freezer size bag
Only clear bags.
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