You can go to trucking schools like ACI (advanced career institute) get your training and license that way, it may cost you about $3800.00 or more depending on the school. If you go with ACI for example you may use financial aid if you qualify for it. It may be cheaper also if you study for the test take it and get your permit first, then take the driving class. It will cut down on your school time and possibly price as well. That's what my husband did. Just keep in mind that all schools only reason you mostly to pass your driver's test, not so much the driving so to speak. So if your school gives you the chance to test drive or do maneuvers, take advantage of that opportunity and drive as much as you can especially blind side maneuvers. The good thing about Knight is that they put you with experienced drivers who will for the most part allow you to drive and teach you what to do. If you get hired and they say you're going to be with a trainer, make sure it's not team driving.
Not sure, at least a few thousand that you pay back while you work. Call a recruiter.
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