I have 12 large pieces of oak trunk (24"-30" diam.) Would you have a use for them? I can see side tables or some such. Free...I just need them gone. Thanks!

Bradford Athey | Sep 14, 2021 | Category: Furniture maker

KC Custom Hardwoods - All questions

Address: 1600 W 8th St, Kansas City, MO 64101, USA

Bradford Athey | Sep 14, 2021

Thanks! These pieces are from the trunk and are 24-30 in diameter, but are only @24" long. So...yeah, not slab material. I was thinking more like cross cut slices to be end tables. The interesting part is that it was struck by lightning 25 years ago and made a serious slash down the side. It tried healing itself over that time - which it kinda did. the cross cut shapes are interesting. The 'pocket' where the bolt shot through could be resin/epoxy filled.

KC Custom Hardwoods | Sep 14, 2021

Thanks for reaching out. We can typically use an oak trunk that's 24-30" in diameter if it's at least 96" long. Are these pieces around that length? If not, they may be too small for slabs. If they are just small chunks you might try reaching out to the Woodturners Association.

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