How do I get to the fossil pit as I can't put it in my gps thanks

david Miller | Dec 24, 2018 | Category: State park

Swatara State Park - All questions

Address: 1450 Suedberg Rd, Pine Grove, PA 17963, USA

steve dienno | Dec 25, 2018

The fossil pit is on "Bear Hole Trail" about a mile from "Swopes Valley trail head" parking lot. On the left .

Jo Jo Beans | Dec 25, 2018

You have to hike out the rr tracks on the TC side from what I'm told.

Jason Diefenderfer | Dec 25, 2018

FYI There isn't much to the "pit" its just an area with lots of loose shale.

Kathy Turner | Dec 25, 2018

Park on swipe valley road parking lot facing the creek. Turn left on the gravel trail. Go about 1/2 on the left in the clearing.

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