Is there any fee to gate in

Main Kazi | Nov 10, 2020 | Category: Orchard in Markham, Virginia

Hartland Orchard - All questions

Address: 3064 Hartland Ln, Markham, VA 22643, USA

Michael Lesnick | Nov 11, 2020

There's an entrance where the person will give you however many bags you'd like to pick apples but there's no fee at that point. From there you can drive into the orchard and pick however many apples you'd like (we usually pack a lunch too because it's beautiful there). When you leave they'll want to see how many bags of apples you have and then charge you from there. Currently it's $15 per bag (we just went last week). At that time you can also buy local honey, cider, and pre bagged bags of apples.

Saurabh Singh | Nov 11, 2020

No ,one can simply drive to tye spot

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