No you do not need a down payment at all. Depending on your credit rating, you may get a 0% interest loan. The money you pay back will have less buying power than the money you borrow. Have a look at their used hybrid vehicles because hybrids are the cheapest to buy. Never buy without comparison shopping. Get at least 2 prices for the same car and go with the better deal. Avoid tire or oil change packages because they have 3 tiers of pricing for the same thing. If you agree to the highest price without haggling, you get ripped off. Insist on a big discount or walk. If you are timid by nature, hire a haggler. It will save you big time. Remember, salesman are schooled in the psychology of coercive salesmanship. They will mind control you without you knowing. I charge $300 (haggle fee) and will save you at least $3000. Good luck.
Depends on your credit and if you have a trade in.
Hello Margo, not necessarily but it helps. It depends on different factors. Please give us a call and we will be more than happy to answer your questions.
A big down payment will help you to pay less monthly with good credit
Some times
No but it would help you out big time if you put alot down.I didnt so my car note is high.
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