They have a new bag policy with all of the details of what's allowed on their website...basically only clear bags or small clutch purses are allowed in the venue
Don't take a purse. Less is better. Have your chairs out of bags because you'll have to anyway. Phones are okay. A beer is $8. Bottle of water $4 and a mix drink buy the Harrahs glass $18 and $16 for refills I think and I have no idea what food is.
This question is misleading the way you worded it. The Kevin Hart show was at CenturyLink, not Stir Cove. They could have a completely different set of restrictions at each venue. Sometimes the restictions vary depending on the performer. Best to always just call or check the website of the venue if you are concerned, not trust the word of anyone here, including myself because they could change it. Three things for sure, shows over by 11 pm, service charge/fees for the ticket are too much for any show there, and a beer will cost over $5.
You can take it but they will check it. Not a big deal.
They will most likely search it but you should be fine. If you wanted to bring stuff in I suggest a string bag backpack easier to look through, gets in faster, and less likely to be turned away.
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